We saggis by default are wanderers and travelers.. but these days the traveling bug is on an overdrive...It just keeps pestering me to get up and move my lazy ass.
Its making me wana leave everything and travel the world (or atleast get out of city).
But when i come to think of it... this love for traveling was instilled in me at a very young age. My dad loves traveling.. So I have kinda seen the world with him and mom. My first major trip was to the US and Europe. This was when I was a 12 year old kid but the memories are soo alive. It was our version of backpacking. Dad set out with 2 kids and a wife in tow.. with nothing but our flight tickets booked. We knew our first destination was Paris via London but what later??We stayed in the cheapest of hotels... spend the nights in the train so as to save on hotel fare and literally had breakfast in one city and dinner in another. When we look back now he wonders how he has the guts to just take off.. but thats the magic of youth.
My next major trip with Dad was to Australia and New Zealand. We could now say that he had become old :) cause we stayed in the best of hotels and had everything planned. And also now with his kids he had his grandson in tow :)
But now I think its time for me to explore places on my own... Just backpack around India... The only thing holding me back now i think is someone to travel with and also convincing mom, dad to let me go... which is a task in its own :) I wish i could become a travel write or a travel show host. It would be like the perfect profession... imagine visiting all these awesome places and being paid to do so... Well hopefully one day i will take off.. and then will surely post my escapades here... but till then will make my self happy with the Travel and Living channel.....
come on...you were supposed to come to US to visit me!!
Keep writing... :)
surprised to read someone having same thoughts as mine! i watch travel and living with same wish to be a travelogue show host!
life can not be better, get ot travel for free and paid to do it!
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