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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Promises from a mom to her unborn son!

I promise to,

-         not smoother you and let you grow up to be exactly who you want to be, and love you for it
-         pump you up with enough self confidence that you know you can do whatever you want to do; but also deflate any ego that might come with it
-         let you make your own choices once we agree you are mature enough to do that.
-         admit that your mature enough to make these choices
-         give you the opportunity to try everything, be it sports, music, art, so you can figure out your true calling (
-         be a cool mommy, but to also remember that I am your mommy even though it might be easier to be your friend
-         help you be cool even if it means putting up with an atrocious haircut
-         not embarrass you
-         never compare you with your friends
-         try and control my sometime compulsive self
-         not nag
-         trust you
-         make you understand that I will always be there when you need me and not be upset when you don’t
-         try and understand your point of view and remember what its like to be a child/teenager
-         hug you and tell you that I love you at every possible opportunity (I wont make it embarrassing for you)
-         tell you ‘what women want’ (only if you want me to and pls don’t go to your dad for this. He’s clueless)
-         be flexible and admit when I am wrong
-         learn as we go along and modify this list as needed.

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